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Primary 3 Science (Chapter 1 to 5 )

I try to make my notes into bullet points below.
This is Primary 3 Science, covering chapter 1 to 5, living and non living things, animals, plants, fungi and bacteria and also life cycles of animals.

P3 science notes:

Animal classifications:

(1) Amphibians

-      Thin skin to breathe (water)

-      Lungs to breathe (on land)

(2) Birds

-      Birds can’t fly are ostrich, emu, penguin, kiwi.

(3) Fish

-      Fins to swim, gills to breathe.

-      Fish lay eggs, but guppies, mollies, platies, sword tails give birth to their young.

(4) Insects

-      Six legs, a pair of feelers. Wings (butterfly). No wings (ant, silverfish, termite)

-      Body divided into 3 parts (head, thorax, abdomen). Hard outer covering or exoskeleton gives shape & protect its soft body.

(5) Mammals

-      Dolphin, whale, bats, etc.

-      Produce milk for their young.

-      Give birth to their young, except platypus & spiny anteater which lay eggs.

(6) Reptiles

-      Dry skin covered with scale. E.g. turtles, snakes.

Animal body covering: hair, scales, feathers (fly and keep warm), shells.

No outer covering: frogs, octopus, earthworm.

Red snapper (fish) versus Dolphin (Mammals)

Similarities: (1) Both have a tail/fins.

                   (2) Both live in water.

Differences:(1) Red snapper has scales but dolphin has hair.

                   (2) Red snapper breathes through gills, but dolphin breathes through lungs.

Tiger (animal) versus Tree

    (a) They need air, water and food to survive.
    (b) Tiger can walk and run about freely on its own, but tree cannot move about     freely on its own. Tiger hunts for food but the trees carry out photosynthesis to     make food.
    (c) Both tiger and tree can reproduce.
    (d) Both tiger and tree will die one day.
    (e) Both tiger and tree respond to changes around them.

Plant would grow towards the opening to get sunlight.

Plants respond to changes around them and move towards sunlight.

Non-flowering plants: 1) fern, 2) moss, 3) alga.

Fungi: Fungus (plural)

Examples: mushrooms, bracket fungi, puff balls, mould (make cheese), Lingzhi, penicillium (to produce penicillin, antibiotic in modern medicine), yeast (make bread, beer/wine), toadstools.

Fungi are living things that cannot make food and feed on dead or live plants & animals.

Fungi reproduced by spores. Spores found in gills (mushroom) , spore cases (bread mould). Spore cases are thread-like structures. Spores (tiny and light) easily carried by wind when they are released.

Fungi and bacteria are decomposers.

Bacteria. Example: paramecium, amoeba. Useful bacteria can make cheese & yoghurt.

Bacteria do not have chlorophyll and cannot make food on their own. So they cannot be grouped under the plant kingdom.

Bacteria versus Yeast

(1) Both are microorganisms.

(2) Bacteria can be harmful (sore-throat, diarrhea) as well as useful. Yeast is useful.

(3) Bacteria can be found in small intestine. Yeast cannot.

(4) Bacteria is not a fungus. Yeast is.

Non-living things: shape, color, texture, properties of materials they are made of.

Living things: their body covering, how they reproduce, how they move.

Life cycle:

4 stages: Egg-Larva (caterpillar)-Pupa-Adult (butterfly)

              Egg- Larva (wriggler)-Pupa-Adult (mosquito)

Same 4 stages of life cycle: Beetle, moth, housefly.

3 stages: Egg- Young- Adult

               Egg- Tadpole – Adult   

               Tadpole: frog, toad, cockroach.

              Egg- Nymph – Adult

              Nymph: cockroach, dragonfly, grasshopper, damselfly

Nymph looks quite similar to an adult.

As Nymph grows, it sheds its old skin and grows a new one (moulting).

Nymph does not have wings.


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