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Singapore Primary School fee is "FREE" !

Not only the 6 years Singapore primary school fee is "FREE" , but you actually earn S$1,741. The school fees below are for Singapore citizen . 6 years primary school fees are: S$1,494 . However, we received total FREE monies (in 6 years' time) from the government up to S$2,845   (through government Edusave top-up, Special top-up and interest earned at the Edusave account). Hence, we now have a balance of S$1,741 .  It is enough to purchase a laptop in secondary 1. In ACS(I), they sell Lenova L13 2-in-1 Gen 5 Notebook (with 3-year warranty and 3-year insurance) at S$1,403.90 (with GST). You can use Edusave account to pay for this cost. If you receive Edusave award, Char Yong scholarship, etc., you will also receive cash reward of S$80-S$100 each time. So, he collected about  S$500 . :) ESIS scholarship is considered as the top tier scholarship in primary school (awarded during the PSLE result announcement), as you can save a good sum of monies later in the secondary schoo...
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Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

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PSLE AL 5 M + S$2,400 yearly scholarships

My boy met my expectation precisely.  AL 5 M  ! Surprisingly, he also received the scholarships letter together with the PSLE certificate.  It is a Edusave scholarships for Independant Schools (ESIS),  S$2,400 per year for 6 years .  This is a surprise bonus!  We were told only AL 4 and 5 students received such scholarships (Singaporean students only). With AL 5, you basically can choose any secondary schools you like. However, he had fixed his eyes at  ACS(I) . It's only 10 minutes journey, direct bus from our home. IP (Year 1 to Year 4) school fees: S$385 x 12 months x 4 =  S$18,480 IBDP (Year 5 to Year 6) school fees: S$500 x 12 months x 2 =  S$12,000 Total 6 years of school fees:  S$30,480 Scholarships (for 6 years): S$2,400 x 6 =  S$14,400 Net ACS(I) secondary school fees for 6 years:  S$16,080 My job is officially done.  Woo Hoo!! I am happy!!!

Primary 6 Preliminary PSLE result - AL 8M

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Primary 6 Report Card (1H 2024)

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Primary 5 Report Card

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