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Primary 6 Preliminary PSLE result - AL 8M

AL 8M not good enough. English and Mathematics grades can be better. Still aiming for AL 6 in order to enter his dream school, ACS(I). In my eyes, he is AL 5 boy, you can do it!💪 Nail it! 🎯  Good luck, all the year 2024 P6 cohort ~ 
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Primary 6 Report Card (1H 2024)

With Primary 6 Semester 1 result, PSLE score will be AL 9M .  Still not good enough. He is going for  Raffles Institution DSA Sports Trial (table tennis) on June 28, 2024. He is also going for NUS High School DSA Selection Test (Mathematics & Science) on June 29, 2024. Good luck, boy!

Primary 5 Report Card

There is a saying, your Primary 5 "End-of-year Examination" result will be your PSLE results.   If that's true, his PSLE Score will be AL 9. That's not good. He will not be able to get into his dream school, Anglo Chinese School (Independent) . Hence, he needs to work smart/hard towards his goal. I set a target for him. AL 6 (P) shall be. Nevertheless, I am pleased to know he was selected again for Higher Chinese class in Primary 6. Good job! Please at least get a "PASS" grade!    Primary 5 Achievements: Primary 5: CCA Captain , represented school at National School Games Table Tennis Senior Boys Team - League 1 & National School Games Table Tennis Senior Division Boys (Team). Primary 5: Recipient of Char Yong Scholarship 2023 for Top P4 Academic Award 2022. Primary 5:  Recipient of Edusave Scholarship 2024  for Top 10% of P5 Cohort 2023. Primary 5: Merit Award at Raffles Institution Primary Mathematics World Contest (RIPMWC)-Junior Category. Primary


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PSLE Cut Off Points (COP) (Revision 03)

Revision 03 (last paragraph): updated on December 22, 2023. Revision 02: updated on December 22, 2022. PSLE COP for year 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017 were shown below.  My child is a boy. We target the three secondary schools below, but his PSLE will be in year 2024 instead.  New PSLE scoring system was introduced in year 2021. Based on 2021 PSLE COP, the sure-in scores required for the 4 schools below are: (1) Raffles Institution: AL 6 (P) (2) Hwa Chong: AL 7 (D) - for info/benchmark only. (3) Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Independent: AL 7 (P) (4) River Valley High School: AL 8 (P) In conclusion: (1) AL 4 & 5 can choose Raffles Institution . AL 6 can be risky. (2) AL 6 can choose ACS . AL 7 can be risky. (3) AL 7 can choose River Valley High . AL 8 can be risky. (4) AL 8 shall check other high schools too. Let's see if such strategy works for the PSLE COP for year 2022. The COP result will be announced by December 23, 2022, after the school posting results. It is interesting


Some good questions about PSLE.  I agree with the author below.

English Essay & Chinese Essay tuition

He had English essay and Chinese essay tuition in Primary 4. He has to write one English essay and one Chinese essay every weekend, almost. :) He had cultivated interest and gained confidence in writing essay in English and Chinese and that also reflected in the scores in the essay section in particular. Hence, we decided to let him to continue the tuition next year too. His Chinese Essay tuition is Huang Cheng . It's about S$50 per 2 hours session (in average). Chinese Enrichment | Learn Chinese with Hua Cheng Education Centre His English Essay tuition is WR!TERS@WORK . It's about S$75 per 2 hours session (in average). Center for Excellence in Creative English Writing in Singapore -Writers@Work ( Just for sharing.